龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng)
姓名 龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng)
職稱 副教授
聯絡電話 (04)2332-3456#1907
研究室 M649
學歷 國立雲林科技大學管理(會計組)博士
專長及研究領域 會計學、財務管理、公司治理、審計
經歷及證照 美國會計師
教師在校時程表 龎玉涓.pdf
教師歷程檔案 https://research.asia.edu.tw/TchEportfolio/index_1/melodyp
年度 論文名稱
2021 ?玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN)、Kurrahman, Taufik、Chen, Chih-Cheng、曾明朗(Ming-Lang Tseng)、Hien Minh Ha、林君維(Chun-Wei Remen Lin), Visualizing the hierarchical sustainable human resource management under qualitative information and complex interrelationships, Management of Environmental Quality:An International Journal, vol.32 no.6 pp.1422-1447, 2021
2021 ?玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN)、何素秋(Su-Chiu Ho)、林宜勉(Yi-Mien Lin), The Effect of Accounting Conservatism on Cash Holdings: In Consideration of Agency Cost, Journal of Accounting and Corporate Governance, 2021
2019 Yi-Mien Lin(Yi-Mien Lin)*、Chia-Hua Chang、?玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), The Effect of Accounting Conservatism on Equity Valuation: Evidence from Corporate Life Cycle, Journal of Applied Finance & Banking, vol.9 no.1 pp.1-25, 2019
2018 Dong-Her Shih、Chia-MIng Lu、Chia-Hao Lee、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN)、Kuo-Jui Wu、曾明朗(Ming-Lang Tseng)*, A Strategic Knowledge Management Approach to Circular Agribusiness, Sustainability, vol.2018(10) no.10 pp.1-20, 2018
2018 林君維(Chun-Wei Remen Lin)、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN)*、Yu-Lin Chen, Profit optimization of sustainable low-to-medium temperature waste heat recovering management, INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT & DATA SYSTEMS, vol.118 no.2 pp.330-348, 2018
2018 林君維(Chun-Wei Remen Lin)、?玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), A Minimum Machining Cost Approach for Automated Tolerance Assignment in Concentricity Control, International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, vol.6 no.2 pp.104-108, 2018
2015 林宜勉(Yi-Mien Lin)、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN)*、王登仕(Teng-Shih Wang), How managerial power impacts CEO compensation and pay gap?, International Journal of Economics and Accounting, vol.6 no.4 pp.326-345, 2015
2015 Chun-Wei R.(Chun-Wei R. Lin)*、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN)、Shiou-Ching Gao, An Improved Happiness-Based Scheduling for Nurse Shifts Planning, The Journal of MacroTrends in Health and Medicine, vol.3 no.1 pp.168-175, 2015
2015 CHUN-WEI R.(CHUN-WEI R. LIN)*、OLIVER L. HUNG、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN)、CHIA-HENG CHANG, Fuzzy Recycle Planning for the Green Supply Chain Management, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering, vol.3 no.8 pp.150-153, 2015
2014 Chun-Wei Lin(Chun-Wei Lin)*、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN)、Jung-Jye Jiang, A Dynamic Simulation Approach for Flexible Manufacturing System Design, Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol.635-637 pp.1813-1816, 2014
2011 龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng)、傅鍾仁(Chung-Jen Fu), Detecting Firms with Going-concern Risk Based on the Industry Affiliation, Corporate Governance Characteristics, and Financial Performance, African Journal of Business Management, vol.5 no.22 pp.9249-9261, 2011
2010 龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng)、傅鍾仁(Fu, Chung-Jen), A Classification Tree Approach for Identifying Potentially Delisting Firms from the Corporate Governance Perspective – Evidence from Taiwan., Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting, vol.2 no.3 pp.229-256, 2010
2009 簡俱揚(Chien, Chu-Yang)、龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng)、盧鎮偉(Lu, Chen-Wei), Corporate Board, Ownership Structure and the Involuntary Delisted Firms, Corporate ownership & control, vol.6 no.4 pp.370-381, 2009
年度 書名
2011 陳穎、龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng), 會計學(含概要)—百零一年高普考試精選題庫 (Accounting-101 Government Senior and Junior Exam Test Bank), 志光教育文化出版社, Mar. 2011
發表日期 論文名稱
2019.06 ?玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN)、曾淑?, 外籍勞工快樂因素探討 , 2019現代會計論壇學術研討會, Jun. 2019, 台灣/台中/亞洲大學
2018.05 吳清在(TsingZai C. Wu)、洪肇嘉、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), 專利權與經營績效、企業價值關係之研究 , 2018現代會計論壇學術研討會, May. 2018, 台灣/台中市
2017.08 龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN)、Su-Chiu Ho、Yi-Mien Lin, The Effect of Accounting Conservatism on Cash Holdings: In Consideration of Agency Cost , 2017 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Aug. 2017, San Diego, CA, U.S.A.
2017.05 林宜勉(Yi-Mien Lin)、張家驊(Chia-Hua Chang)、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), Does Accounting Conservatism Really Matter to Equity Mispricing? – A Test of Corporate Life Cycle , 2017 40th EAA Annual Congress, May. 2017, SpainValencia
2017.01 林君維(Chun-Wei Remen Lin)、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), A Minimum Machining Cost Approach for Automated Tolerance Assignment in Concentricity Control , 2017 International Conference on Manufacturing Technologies (EI), Jan. 2017, USA/ California State/ San Diego
2015.08 龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), Investment Decision Strategy on Green Energy Industry , 2015 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting and Conference, Aug. 2015, Chicago, IL, U.S.A.
2015.06 林君維(Chun-Wei Lin)、Oliva L. Hun、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), FUZZY RECYCLE PLANNING FOR THE GREEN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT , International Conference on Management and Information Technology, Jun. 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2015.05 龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), 綠色能源產業公司之經營績效探討 , 2015現代會計論壇學術研討會, May. 2015, 台灣台中市逢甲大學
2014.08 龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), A Fuzzy Synergetic Approach to Identify Potentially Defaulting Firms , Atlanta 2014 Global & Perspectives, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Aug. 2014, Atlanat, GA, U.S.A.
2014.07 林君維(Chun-Wei Lin)、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), A Dynamic Simulation Approach for Flexible Manufacturing System Design , 2014 4th International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering, Jul. 2014, Hangzhou, China
2014.06 龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), 企業競爭潛力分析與探討, 以某製藥業為例 - 2014兩岸產業經營管理暨會計資訊研討會, Jun. 2014, 廣東省中山市電子科技大學
2013.06 龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng), 中小企業營利事業所得稅申報查核之合理性探討, 以西餐業為例 - 2013經營管理暨會計資訊理論與實務研討會, Jun. 2013, 亞州大學
2013.06 龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng), 綠色能源產業公司之 投資潛力分析, 以綜效鑑識模式 - 2013經營管理暨會計資訊理論與實務研討會, Jun. 2013, 亞州大學
2011.08 龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng)、傅鍾仁(Fu, Chung-Jen), An Integrative Approach to Predict the Potential Investing Firms in Green Energy Industry. , 2011 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting and Conference, Aug. 2011, Denver, CO., U.S.A.
2010.07 龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng)、傅鍾仁(Fu, Chung-Jen), Predicting Firms with Going Concern Based on the Industry Affiliation and Corporate Governance Characteristics , 2010 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting and Conference, Jul. 2010, San Francisco, CA., U.S.A.
2009.08 龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng)、傅鍾仁(Fu, Chung-Jen), Identifying Potential Delisting Firms from the Board of Directors Perspective in Taiwan Market. , 2009 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting and Conference, Aug. 2009, New York City, N.Y., U.S.A.
2009.08 簡俱揚(Chien, Chu-Yang)、龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng)、盧鎮偉(Lu, Chen-Wei), An Examination of the Relationship between Board Role, Ownership Structure and the Involuntary Delisted Firms , Evidence from Taiwan. - 2009 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting and Conference, Aug. 2009, New York City, N.Y., U.S.A.
計畫名稱 參與人 計畫期間
國內專家學者出席國際學術會議(2015 Annual Meeting of American Accounting Association) (104-2914-I-468-006-A1) 龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN) 2015.08 ~ 2015.08
文水足跡成本最小化之非等效平行機台生產排程 -以染整業為例Minimizing Water Footprint Costs for Unrelated Parallel Machines Production Scheduling-A Case Study of Dyeing Industry (MOST 104-2221-E-224-027 -) 林君維(Chun-Wei Lin)、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN) 2015.08 ~ 2016.07
創新、價值管理會計與租稅實務 (Innovation, Valuation Accounting and Tax Practice Program) (20150713154740) 龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN) 2015.08 ~ 2016.07
國內專家學者出席國際學術會議(2014 Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association) (103-2914-I-468 -001 -A1) 龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN) 2014.08 ~ 2014.08
以收益最大化為目標之工廠廢熱回收設備綠色設施規劃Green Facility Planning for Factory Waste Heat Recovery Equipments with Optimal Total Profit Objective (MOST 103-2221-E-468 -031) 林君維(Chun-Wei Lin)、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN) 2014.08 ~ 2015.07
國稅局針對稅務申報之選案查核探討An Investigation of Tax Bureau’s Reexamination of Tax Reporting Case (10251028) 龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN) 2014.02 ~ 2015.01
中區102年度資源整合分享計畫-分享證照輔導平台,輔導夥伴學校學生考照 2013 Central Taiwan Integrated Resource Sharing - License Platform (20130716173257) 龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng)、陳榮燊(Rung-Sheng Chen) 2013.07 ~ 2015.06
創新管理會計與租稅實務就業學程 (Innovational Management Accounting and Tax Practice Program) (20130716172746) 陳瓊燕、龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng) 2013.07 ~ 2014.06
綠色能源產業公司之投資潛力評估-以綜效評鑑模式An Evaluation of Investment Potential on Green Energy Industry (101-asia-18) 龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng) 2013.02 ~ 2014.01
創新管理會計與租稅實務就業學程 (Innovational Management Accounting and Tax Practice Program) (20130716172847) 陳瓊燕、龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng) 2012.07 ~ 2013.06
100學年度院級優良導師 2011 Excellent Mentor of Management College
101學年度院級優良導師 2012 Excellent Mentor of Management College
104學年度管院優良教師 2014 Excellent Teaching Award in Management College
課程類別 課程代碼 課程名稱 年度
大學日間部 81U00099B 會計學(一) 113
大學日間部 81U00406A 學輔時間(二) 113
大學日間部 82U00034A 會計學(一) 113
年度 名稱 全部作者
108 宗教百貨業之服務品質探討 楊惠純
108 提升廟宇服務品質之探討:以台中廣天宮 財神開基祖廟為例 郭惠貞
107 外籍移工的快樂因素探討 曾淑?
107 行政工作效能提升的探討與研究 ?以紙管製造業為例 林惠貞
103 營所稅選案關聯之探討 蔡志岳
101 二代健保之探討-從記帳事事務所之觀點 陳金珠
101 中小企業營利事業所得稅申報查核之合理性探討-以西餐業為例 陳美麗
101 綠色能源產業公司之投資潛力分析-以綜效鑑識模式 劉彥唯
年分 計畫名稱 指導教授 學系 學生姓名
108 專利權探討 ?玉涓 會計與資訊學系 李奕宗