Chen, Chiung-Yen (陳瓊燕)
Name Chen, Chiung-Yen (陳瓊燕)
Job title Professor and Chairperson
Office Tel No. (04)2332-3456#1959
Education Ph.D. in Management (Accounting Major), College of Management, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Expertise Accounting, Auditing, Internal Control, Internal Auditing, Corporation Valuation
Experience CPA
Office Hour University Schedule
Curriculum Vitae
Year Paper Title
2023 鄭郁蒨(Cheng, Yu-Chien)、陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen)、邱紹群(Shao-Chun Chiu)*, 疫情後你期待彈性居家辦公嗎?, 管理資訊計算(Management Information Computing), vol.12 no.2, 2023
2023 辜玉潔(Ku, Yu-Jie)、陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen)、童秋霞(Chiou-Shya Torng)、邱紹群(Shao-Chun Chiu)*, 疫情限制Pokemon GO玩家的續玩意願嗎?, 管理資訊計算(Management Information Computing), vol.12 no.2, 2023
2023 吳孟威、陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen)、黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua)、邱紹群(Shao-Chun Chiu)*, 全球危機食物浪費負責任行為之調查, 觀光與休閒管理期刊, vol.11 no.1 pp.81-95, 2023
2023 陳于嫻、陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen)、林思賢(Lin Szu-Hsien)、邱紹群(Shao-Chun Chiu), AR美圖濾鏡可否展現與接納自我?, 管理資訊計算(Management Information Computing), vol.12 no.1 pp.73-88, 2023
2022 王守慈、黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua)、陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen)、邱紹群(Shao-Chun Chiu), 後疫情台灣民眾蔬食意願之調查, 觀光與休閒管理期刊, vol.10 no.2 pp.159-170, 2022
2022 邱德原(Qiu, De-Yuan)、陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen)*、張惠君(Huei-Chun Chang)、邱紹群(Shao-Chun Chiu), 遠距會審服務會計師事務所準備好了沒?, 管理資訊計算(Management Information Computing), vol.11 no.2 pp.218-235, 2022
2022 黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua)、陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen)*、楊麗文(Yang, Lee-Wen), How Does Cross Cultural Mentoring Program Influence International Students’ Professional Commitment?, International Journal of Business and Finance Research, vol.27 no.3, 2022
2014 陳燕錫(Yahn-Shir Chen)、陳瓊燕*, 會計師事務所與管理顧問公司聯盟之經營績效探討/Audit Firms’ Alliance with Consulting Firms for Management Advisory Services and Operational Performance(in Chinese), 會計評論/Journal of Accounting Review no.59 pp.73-105, 2014
2006 洪榮耀(Jung Yao Hung)、陳瓊燕(chiung yen chen), 我國多國籍品牌公司無形資產、網絡結構及其市場價值關聯性分析, Commerce & Management Quarterly, vol.7 no.1 pp.163-188, 2006
2004 洪榮耀(Jung-Yao Hung)、陳瓊燕(chiung yen chen), 多國籍企業網路結構與經營績效關聯性實證研究, 多國籍企業研究學報, vol.29 pp.45-60, 2004
Date of Publication Paper Title
2023.07 陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen), 提升學生以英文教科書學習中級會計學成效之研究 , 2023 中亞聯大教學實踐研究與創新線上研討會暨論文口頭發表競賽, Jul. 2023, 台灣/臺中市
2023.06 黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua)、陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen), Accounting Students’ Learning Attitudes and Outcomes in EMI Courses , 2023 International Conference on Bilingual Education: Course Design and Teaching Pratices, Jun. 2023, 台灣/臺中市
2022.07 陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen), 問題導向學習與個案教學法提升學生溝通能力與問題解決能力之成效 , 2022中亞聯大教學實踐研究與創新線上研討會暨論文口頭發表競賽, Jul. 2022, Taichung, Taiwan
2022.06 黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua)、陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen), 會計EMI課程學習成效之探討, 以會計系學生為例 - 2022現代會計論壇學術研討會, Jun. 2022, Taichung, Taiwan
2022.06 李映璇、陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen)、黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua), 探索消費者不使用電子發票載具之關鍵因素研究 , 2022現代會計論壇學術研討會, Jun. 2022, Taichung, Taiwan
2021.08 黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua)、陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen)、楊麗文(Lee-Wen Yang), How Cross Cultural Mentoring Program Influences International Student Professional Commitment , 2021 IEEE International Conference on Social Science and Intelligent Management (SSIM 2021),online conference, Aug. 2021, Taichung, Taiwan
2020.07 黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua)、Hsieh, Chia-Hui、Huang, Perng-Fei、陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen), Examining the Impacts of Strategic Alliance – Examples of the Taiwan Semiconductor Industry , The 14th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing(IMIS-2020), Jul. 2020, Lodz, Poland (online conference)
2020.07 陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen)、黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua)、黎冠伶(Kuan-Ling Li), Is Enforcing the Production and Filing of Corporate Social Responsibility Reports Conducive to Improving Corporate Performance? , The 14th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2020), Jul. 2020, Lodz, Poland (online conference)
2019.07 黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua)、Onnavia Laura、Bae-Ling Chen、陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen), International Student Career Intention, Resource Based View - the 13th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2019), Jul. 2019, Sydney, Australia
2019.06 陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen)、黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua)、黎冠伶、趙鶴芸、沈可婕、尤思涵, 強制編製CSR報告書能改善經營績效嗎? , 2019現代會計論壇, Jun. 2019, 台灣/台中/亞洲大學
2019.06 陳燕錫、陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen)、黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua), 多角化與會計師事務所經營績效:考慮策略與市場區隔之影響 , 2019現代會計論壇, Jun. 2019, 台灣/台中/亞洲大學
2019.06 黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua)、陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen)、周思宇, 情緒勞力對專業承諾及績效之影響, 以審計人員為例 - 2019現代會計論壇, Jun. 2019, 台灣/台中/亞洲大學
2018.07 陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen)、黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua)、許薽心(Zhen-Xin Xu), Professional Training and Operational Performance: Considering the Impact of CPA Disciplinary Incidents , 12th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2018), Jul. 2018, Matsue, Japan
2018.07 黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua)、黃玟心(Wen-Hsin, Huang)、陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen), The Impact of Online Commentary on Young Consumer’s Purchase Decision , 12th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing, Jul. 2018, Matsue, Japan
2018.05 黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua)、陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen)、黃俊錩, 互動學習與專業承諾之關聯, 以會計資訊系學生為例 - 現代會計論壇學術研討會(2018), May. 2018, 台中,台灣
2018.05 陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen)、黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua)、許薽心(Zhen-Xin Xu), 專業訓練、訴訟風險與經營績效:以會計師事務所為例/Professional training, litigation risk, and business performance (in Chinese) , 現代會計論壇學術研討會(2018), May. 2018, 台中,台灣
2017.11 陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen)、黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua)、張貴茹(Chang, Kuei Ju), The Relationship between the Human Capital and Litigation Risk of Audit Firms , 2017 Accounting Theory and Practice Conference & Asian Accounting Associations Conference, Nov. 2017, 台灣/台北/中國文化大學
2017.07 Chaio-Hsing Chen、黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua)、黃鵬飛(Perng-Fei Huang)、陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen), Investigation into the Relationships among Sponsorship, Identification and Purchase Intention , The 7th International Workshop on Sustainability Management of e-Business and Ubiquitous Commerce Engineering (SMEUCE-2017), Jul. 2017, Torino, Italy
2016.07 黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua)、陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen), Antecedents and Outcomes of Trust in Professional Associations , The Tenth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2016), Jul. 2016, Fukuoka Institute of Technology (FIT), Japan
2016.07 陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen)、黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua), An Investigation into Human Resources and Operating Performance , The Tenth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2016), Jul. 2016, Fukuoka Institute of Technology (FIT), Japan
2016.05 黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua)、陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen)、張雅婷(Ya-Ting Chung)、洪怡菁(Yi-Ching Hung), 探討學習資源對會計系學生學習認知與專業承諾之影響/Effects of Learning Resources on Perceived Learning Experience and Professional Commitment of Accounting Students (in Chinese) , 2016現代會計論壇學術研討會, May. 2016, 朝陽科技大學,台灣
2015.07 黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua)、陳瓊燕, Exploring the Effects of Relational Exchange and Innovation Characteristics on New Product Adoption , 2015 Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Management (GEIM)Conference in partnership with Journal of Business Research Special Issue, Jul. 2015, Taichung
2013.11 陳瓊燕(Chiung-Yen Chen)、陳金珠、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), 二代健保徵收補充費制度之探討 -從記帳士事務所觀點/The Investigation of Supplementary Premium of Second, Generation National Health Insurance – From the Bookkeeper Firms’ Perspect(in Chinese) - 2013第五屆海峽兩岸會計學術研討會暨現代會計論壇, Nov. 2013, 國立政治大學
2012.09 陳燕錫, 會計師事務所與管顧公司策略聯盟之經營績效探討/Strategic Alliances and Performance of Audit Firms(in Chinese) , 2012第四屆海峽兩岸會計學術研討會, Sep. 2012, 中國廈門國家會計學院
2010.12 陳燕錫、陳瓊燕(chiung yen chen), 會計師事務所與管顧公司策略聯盟之績效探討:考慮競爭策略之調節/A Study on the Performance of Strategic Alliance between CPAs and Management Companies (in Chinese) , 2010產業趨勢論壇/ 2010 Industy Trend Forum, Dec. 2010, 台中日華金典酒店
2010.07 陳瓊燕(chiung yen chen)、陳燕錫(Yahn Shir Chen), 會計師事務所多角化與績效之關連性:考慮競爭策略與市場區隔之調節/The relationship of Diversification and Performance from PublicAccounting Firms in Taiwan:Made an moderating between competitive strategy and market segmentation (in Chinese) , 2010 會計與資訊科技國際研討會/ 2010 International Conference on Accounting and Information Technology, Jul. 2010, 嘉義,台灣
2010.05 陳瓊燕(chiung yen chen)、陳燕錫(Yahn Shir Chen), 策略,人力資源管理實務與經營績效關連性:以會計師事務所為例/The Relationship among Strategy, Human Resources Management Practices and Operating Performance : Empirical Evidence from Public Accounting Firms in Taiwan (in Chinese) , 2010兩岸會計資訊與管理研討會/2010 Cross-Strait Academic Conference of Accounting Information and Management, May. 2010, 山東財政學院
2010.05 洪榮耀(Jung-Yao Hung)、陳燕錫(Yahn-Shir Chen)、陳瓊燕(chiung yen chen), 多國籍品牌與代工企業無形資產國際網絡價值創造之研究/ Research on the Value Creation of International Network of Multinational Brand and Foundry Enterprise Intangible (in Chinese) , 第二屆財經商管、跨國經營管理暨軍品釋商學術與實務研討會, May. 2010, 東海大學管理學院
2007.08 葉貞吟(Jen-Yin Yeh)、陳瓊燕(chiung yen chen), Evaluating ERP implementation: A Taiwanese case study , 2007 Annual Meeting- American Accounting Association, Aug. 2007, Chicago, Illinois, American
2006.10 陳燕錫(Yahn Shir Chen)、陳瓊燕(chiung yen chen)、洪榮耀(Jung Yao Hung), Human resources and operating performance under different competitive strategy: Evidence from public accounting firms in Taiwan , Eighteenth Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, Oct. 2006, Maui, Hawaii
2006.06 葉貞吟、陳瓊燕(chiung yen chen), The impacts of ERP Implementation , The 11th Annual Conference of Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute (APDSI 2006), Jun. 2006, Hong Kong
2006.04 陳燕錫(Yahn Shir Chen)、陳瓊燕(chiung yen chen), 競爭策略,人力資源管理實務與經營績效:以會計師事務所為例 , 2006會計學術研討會, Apr. 2006, 雲林縣,雲科大會計系
2006.04 陳燕錫(Yahn Shir Chen)、陳瓊燕(chiung yen chen), 品牌(OBM)暨代工(OEM)企業之無形資產、網絡結構與市場價值關聯性探討-以台灣電子業之多國籍企業為例 , 2006會計學術研討會, Apr. 2006, 雲林縣,雲科大會計系
2004.12 陳瓊燕(chiung yen chen)、洪榮耀(Jung-Yao Hung), 從智慧資本認知觀點及執行力檢視與公司營運績效之關聯性 , 第一屆「創新與管理」學術研討會, Dec. 2004, 高雄,實踐大學
2004.06 洪榮耀(Jung-Yao Hung)、鄭博文(Bor-Wen Cheng)、陳瓊燕(chiung yen chen), 無形資產、多國籍企業網路結構與經營績效關聯性實證研究 , 2004 年會計資訊與管理論壇, Jun. 2004, 彰化縣,大葉大學
Project Title Participator Period
提升學生以英文教科書學習中級會計學成效之研究/Improving Students’ Achievements in Learning Intermediate Accounting with English Textbooks (1101071) 陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen) 2021.08 ~ 2022.07
「AI時代的巨量資料分析、會計與稽核」學程 (1101071) 陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen)、黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua) 2021.07 ~ 2022.08
教學實踐-問題導向學習與個案教學法提升學生溝通能力與問題解決能力之成效-以中級會計學為例/ The Effect of Problem- based Learning and Case-based Teaching on Students' Communication and Problem Solving Ability: the Case of Intermediate Accounting Class (臺教-教學實踐-10911) 陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen) 2020.08 ~ 2021.07
人工智慧驅動的會計與稽核就業學程/Artificial intelligence-driven accounting and auditing program (109000508207 ) 陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen)、黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua) 2020.07 ~ 2021.08
個案教學與團隊導向學習於中級會計學之成效研究/ Case Teaching and Team-based Learning on Intermediate Accounting Education (臺教-教學實踐-10803) 陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen) 2019.08 ~ 2021.01
AI會計與稽核學程/ AI Accounting and Auditing Program (108000878704 ) 陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen)、周玲儀(Ling-Yi Chou)、黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua) 2019.07 ~ 2020.08
無形資產評價師能力鑑定推動-無形資產評價分享講座/Intangible assets appraiser exam -Intangible assets evaluation lecture (I108MD072 ) 陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen) 2019.02 ~ 2019.06
AI時代之新會計資訊人才培育就業學程/Cultivating employment-oriented new accounting information talent courses in the AI era (107000833003) 陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen)、黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua) 2018.07 ~ 2019.08
國際會計準則中區研習計畫 (20170710122749) 陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen) 2017.06 ~ 2017.07
創價管理會計與租稅實務/Vocational Courses for Value Creation in Management Accounting and Taxation Practice (20161031164400) 陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen)、黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua)、周玲儀(Ling-Yi Chou)、黃玟心(Wen-Hsin, Huang) 2016.07 ~ 2017.08
營運知識管理輔導/Operational Knowledge Management (20161031164758) 陳瓊燕(Chen, Chiung-Yen) 2015.11 ~ 2016.04
創新、價值管理會計與租稅實務就業學程/Innovation, value management accounting and tax practice program (20151005203524) 陳瓊燕、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN)、黃美華(Huang, Mei Hua) 2015.07 ~ 2016.08
創新管理會計、二代健保與租稅實務就業學程/ Innovation, management accounting, second-generation national healthinsurance and tax practice program (20151005203048) 陳瓊燕、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN) 2014.07 ~ 2015.08
創新管理、環境會計與租稅實務就業學程/ Innovation management, environmental accounting and tax practice program (20130816191638) 陳瓊燕(Chiung-Yen Chen) 2013.07 ~ 2014.08
會計菁英培育計畫/Accounting Elite Training Program (20131231114343) 陳瓊燕(Chiung-Yen Chen) 2013.03 ~ 2015.02
創新管理會計與租稅實務就業學程/ Innovation, management accounting and tax practice program (20120726145125) 陳瓊燕(Chiung-Yen Chen)、龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng) 2012.07 ~ 2013.08
水療暨舒眠設備業之研發財務管理與資訊系統建置分析輔導專案/Analysis of Financial Management and Information System Construction in R & D (20120726145729) 陳瓊燕(Chiung-Yen Chen) 2012.06 ~ 2012.11
家用五金研發管理與資訊系統建置分析輔導專案/Analysis of Financial Management and Information System Construction in R & D for (20120726145605) 陳瓊燕(Chiung-Yen Chen) 2012.05 ~ 2012.10
中小企業財務人員培育專班計畫/Small and medium - sized enterprise financial personnel training program (20130819141140) 陳瓊燕(Chiung-Yen Chen) 2011.09 ~ 2011.11
研發管理會計與租稅實務就業學程計畫/R & D management accounting and tax practice program (20110718145717) 陳瓊燕(Chiung-Yen Chen)、賴建文(Chien-Wen Lai) 2011.07 ~ 2012.08
99年在業學習模組課程 (20110730225839) 陳瓊燕(Chiung-Yen Chen)、何里仁(LI-JEN HE) 2010.01 ~ 2010.05
Award Name Awarding Unit
109學年度教學傑出教師獎 本校
創新教材競賽紙本類優良 本校
指導大專學生研究計畫榮獲106年度研究創作獎/ Instructed the research project of college students and won the 2017 Research and Creation Award 科技部
雲林科技大學會計系傑出系友/ Outstanding alumni of Department of Accounting, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology 雲林科技大學會計系
台中家商傑出校友/ Outstanding alumni of Taichung Home Economics and Commercial High School 台中家商
2010 會計與資訊科技國際研討會最佳論文獎 / ICAI 2010 Best Paper Award 國立中正大學會計與資訊學系
Category Course Code Course Title Year
大學日間部 81U00354A 中級會計學(二) 113
大學日間部 81U00394A 記帳相關法規 113
大學日間部 81U00422A 會計師實務專題講座 113
大學日間部 81U00439A 專業實習(四) (3+1分流) 113
大學日間部 81U00440A 專業實習(五) (3+1分流) 113
大學日間部 81U00441A 專業實習(六) (3+1分流) 113
大學日間部 81U00442A 專業實習(一) (7+1分流) 113
大學日間部 81U00443A 專業實習(二) (7+1分流) 113
大學日間部 81U00444A 專業實習(三) (7+1分流) 113
研究所碩士班 97M00002A 碩士論文 113
Year Research Title Authors
109 創新、國際化、教育資本與績效之關聯性:以電子業為例 鍾瑄萍
109 自有品牌商品的銷售預測之研究--以H公司為例 柯意如
108 強制揭露CSR報告書與經營績效、公司價值之關聯性 江侑霖
105 以SWOT-Scorecard探討凡而業的經營策略- 以A公司為例/ SWOT-Scorecard to discuss the Valve industry business strategy –case A study 洪彩雲
105 月子餐的成功商業模式分析-以寶媽媽月子餐公司為研究個案 黃裕雄
103 訴訟風險與會計師事務所人力資本-考慮策略類型/Litigation Risk and Human Capital of Audit Firms: Consideration of Strategy Type(in Chinese) 陳瑩珊
102 從訴訟風險看會計師事務所的人力資本/Investigating the Human Capital of Accounting Firms from a Litigation Risk Perspective(in Chieses) 黃傳越
101 中小企業營利事業所得稅申報查核之合理性探討--以西餐業為例/An Investigation of the Reasonableness of Corporate Tax for Small-Medium Enterprises-Western Style Restaurant(in Chinese) 陳美麗
101 二代健保徵收補充保費制度之探討-從記帳士事務所觀點/The Investigation of Supplementary Premium of Second-Generation National Health Insurance-from the Bookkeeper Firms' Perspect(in Chinese) 陳金珠
100 投資人倫理投資偏好之研究/A Study of Investors Ethical Investment Preference(in Chinese) 沈政德