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Features of Teaching

Features of Teaching

Features of Asia Management College (AMC)
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Features of AIS

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(1) Integrate Accounting with IT
The Department offers a number of IT courses (such as, Database Management, Program Design, Accounting Information Systems, ERP and E-Commerce) to meet the requirement of students working in large businesses. In addition, working with their supervisors, our students customized the model to fit the specific need of medium and small businesses in the Microsoft EXCEL environment. This case demonstrates the students?capability in integrating IT into accounting practice to help businesses in problem-solving and decision-making.

(2) Bridge Theory and Practice
There are three computer labs (Accounting and Tax information Lab, ERP Lab and CPA Firm Lab) available to students?after-class practices. In addition, the department hosts an Innovation Strategy & Operation Performance Forum, which periodically invites famous practitioners to share their experiences with students. Many of our academic staffs also have experience in working for CPA firm, IRS, and institute for information industry. These experienced academic staffs help students bring the theory and practice together.

(3) Profession Course Programs
The department provides flexible curriculum structure that allows students to choose the course program (Accounting and Tax, and Computer Auditing) they need for their future.

(4) Assistance in Passing the Certificate Examination
Owning a professional certificate promotes students?competency in the job market and for further study. The faculty provides consultation in passing these examinations such as ERP planner, CPA, and CIA.