姓名 | 龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng) |
職稱 | 副教授 |
聯絡電話 | (04)2332-3456#1907 |
電子郵件 | |
研究室 | M649 |
學歷 | 國立雲林科技大學管理(會計組)博士 |
專長及研究領域 | 會計學、財務管理、公司治理、審計 |
經歷及證照 | 美國會計師 澳洲會計師 |
教師在校時程表 | 龎玉涓.pdf |
教師歷程檔案 | https://research.asia.edu.tw/TchEportfolio/index_1/melodyp |
年度 | 論文名稱 |
2021 | ?玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN)、Kurrahman, Taufik、Chen, Chih-Cheng、曾明朗(Ming-Lang Tseng)、Hien Minh Ha、林君維(Chun-Wei Remen Lin), Visualizing the hierarchical sustainable human resource management under qualitative information and complex interrelationships, Management of Environmental Quality:An International Journal, vol.32 no.6 pp.1422-1447, 2021 |
2021 | ?玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN)、何素秋(Su-Chiu Ho)、林宜勉(Yi-Mien Lin), The Effect of Accounting Conservatism on Cash Holdings: In Consideration of Agency Cost, Journal of Accounting and Corporate Governance, 2021 |
2019 | Yi-Mien Lin(Yi-Mien Lin)*、Chia-Hua Chang、?玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), The Effect of Accounting Conservatism on Equity Valuation: Evidence from Corporate Life Cycle, Journal of Applied Finance & Banking, vol.9 no.1 pp.1-25, 2019 |
2018 | Dong-Her Shih、Chia-MIng Lu、Chia-Hao Lee、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN)、Kuo-Jui Wu、曾明朗(Ming-Lang Tseng)*, A Strategic Knowledge Management Approach to Circular Agribusiness, Sustainability, vol.2018(10) no.10 pp.1-20, 2018 |
2018 | 林君維(Chun-Wei Remen Lin)、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN)*、Yu-Lin Chen, Profit optimization of sustainable low-to-medium temperature waste heat recovering management, INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT & DATA SYSTEMS, vol.118 no.2 pp.330-348, 2018 |
2018 | 林君維(Chun-Wei Remen Lin)、?玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), A Minimum Machining Cost Approach for Automated Tolerance Assignment in Concentricity Control, International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing, vol.6 no.2 pp.104-108, 2018 |
2015 | 林宜勉(Yi-Mien Lin)、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN)*、王登仕(Teng-Shih Wang), How managerial power impacts CEO compensation and pay gap?, International Journal of Economics and Accounting, vol.6 no.4 pp.326-345, 2015 |
2015 | Chun-Wei R.(Chun-Wei R. Lin)*、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN)、Shiou-Ching Gao, An Improved Happiness-Based Scheduling for Nurse Shifts Planning, The Journal of MacroTrends in Health and Medicine, vol.3 no.1 pp.168-175, 2015 |
2015 | CHUN-WEI R.(CHUN-WEI R. LIN)*、OLIVER L. HUNG、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN)、CHIA-HENG CHANG, Fuzzy Recycle Planning for the Green Supply Chain Management, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering, vol.3 no.8 pp.150-153, 2015 |
2014 | Chun-Wei Lin(Chun-Wei Lin)*、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN)、Jung-Jye Jiang, A Dynamic Simulation Approach for Flexible Manufacturing System Design, Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol.635-637 pp.1813-1816, 2014 |
2011 | 龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng)、傅鍾仁(Chung-Jen Fu), Detecting Firms with Going-concern Risk Based on the Industry Affiliation, Corporate Governance Characteristics, and Financial Performance, African Journal of Business Management, vol.5 no.22 pp.9249-9261, 2011 |
2010 | 龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng)、傅鍾仁(Fu, Chung-Jen), A Classification Tree Approach for Identifying Potentially Delisting Firms from the Corporate Governance Perspective – Evidence from Taiwan., Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting, vol.2 no.3 pp.229-256, 2010 |
2009 | 簡俱揚(Chien, Chu-Yang)、龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng)、盧鎮偉(Lu, Chen-Wei), Corporate Board, Ownership Structure and the Involuntary Delisted Firms, Corporate ownership & control, vol.6 no.4 pp.370-381, 2009 |
年度 | 書名 |
2011 | 陳穎、龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng), 會計學(含概要)—百零一年高普考試精選題庫 (Accounting-101 Government Senior and Junior Exam Test Bank), 志光教育文化出版社, Mar. 2011 |
發表日期 | 論文名稱 |
2022.11 | Yung Sheng Lai、林君維(Chun-Wei Remen Lin)、?玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN)、Mei-Yun Hung, The Study of Selecting Outsourcing Suppliers from the Perspectives of Schedule, Quality, and Flexibility , 2022 Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference, Nov. 2022, Taichung, Taiwan |
2022.11 | Yung Sheng Lai、林君維(Chun-Wei Remen Lin)、?玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN)、Kuan-Yu Lin, The Study of Customer Relationship Management based on Health Examination Database Using the Data Exploration Technology , 2022 Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference, Nov. 2022, Taichung, Taiwan |
2022.11 | Yung Sheng Lai、林君維(Chun-Wei Remen Lin)、?玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN)、Chih-Sheng Wu, A Study of KANO Two, Dimensional Model with Quality Function Deployment to Improve Service Quality - 2022 Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference, Nov. 2022, Taichung, Taiwan |
2022.11 | 陳明宗(Min Tsung Chen)、林君維(Chun-Wei Remen Lin)、?玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), Using Machine Learning to Predict the Trend of COVID, 19 as the Basis for Decision-making on the Distribution of Emergency Pandemic Prevention Materials - 2022 Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference, Nov. 2022, Taichung, Taiwan |
2022.11 | 陳明宗(Min Tsung Chen)、林君維(Chun-Wei Remen Lin)、?玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), Maintenance and Scheduling Planning Simulation based on Public Bicycle Big Data with Low Carbon Emission , 2022 Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference, Nov. 2022, Taichung, Taiwan |
2022.11 | 陳明宗(Min Tsung Chen)、林君維(Chun-Wei Remen Lin)、?玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), Quality Innovation and Value Elevation for Figure Skating Blades Industry , 2022 Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference, Nov. 2022, Taichung, Taiwan |
2019.06 | ?玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN)、曾淑?, 外籍勞工快樂因素探討 , 2019現代會計論壇學術研討會, Jun. 2019, 台灣/台中/亞洲大學 |
2018.05 | 吳清在(TsingZai C. Wu)、洪肇嘉、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), 專利權與經營績效、企業價值關係之研究 , 2018現代會計論壇學術研討會, May. 2018, 台灣/台中市 |
2017.08 | 龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN)、Su-Chiu Ho、Yi-Mien Lin, The Effect of Accounting Conservatism on Cash Holdings: In Consideration of Agency Cost , 2017 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Aug. 2017, San Diego, CA, U.S.A. |
2017.05 | 林宜勉(Yi-Mien Lin)、張家驊(Chia-Hua Chang)、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), Does Accounting Conservatism Really Matter to Equity Mispricing? – A Test of Corporate Life Cycle , 2017 40th EAA Annual Congress, May. 2017, SpainValencia |
2017.01 | 林君維(Chun-Wei Remen Lin)、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), A Minimum Machining Cost Approach for Automated Tolerance Assignment in Concentricity Control , 2017 International Conference on Manufacturing Technologies (EI), Jan. 2017, USA/ California State/ San Diego |
2015.08 | 龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), Investment Decision Strategy on Green Energy Industry , 2015 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting and Conference, Aug. 2015, Chicago, IL, U.S.A. |
2015.06 | 林君維(Chun-Wei Lin)、Oliva L. Hun、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), FUZZY RECYCLE PLANNING FOR THE GREEN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT , International Conference on Management and Information Technology, Jun. 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia |
2015.05 | 龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), 綠色能源產業公司之經營績效探討 , 2015現代會計論壇學術研討會, May. 2015, 台灣台中市逢甲大學 |
2014.08 | 龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), A Fuzzy Synergetic Approach to Identify Potentially Defaulting Firms , Atlanta 2014 Global & Perspectives, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Aug. 2014, Atlanat, GA, U.S.A. |
2014.07 | 林君維(Chun-Wei Lin)、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), A Dynamic Simulation Approach for Flexible Manufacturing System Design , 2014 4th International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering, Jul. 2014, Hangzhou, China |
2014.06 | 龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN), 企業競爭潛力分析與探討, 以某製藥業為例 - 2014兩岸產業經營管理暨會計資訊研討會, Jun. 2014, 廣東省中山市電子科技大學 |
2013.06 | 龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng), 中小企業營利事業所得稅申報查核之合理性探討, 以西餐業為例 - 2013經營管理暨會計資訊理論與實務研討會, Jun. 2013, 亞州大學 |
2013.06 | 龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng), 綠色能源產業公司之 投資潛力分析, 以綜效鑑識模式 - 2013經營管理暨會計資訊理論與實務研討會, Jun. 2013, 亞州大學 |
2011.08 | 龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng)、傅鍾仁(Fu, Chung-Jen), An Integrative Approach to Predict the Potential Investing Firms in Green Energy Industry. , 2011 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting and Conference, Aug. 2011, Denver, CO., U.S.A. |
2010.07 | 龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng)、傅鍾仁(Fu, Chung-Jen), Predicting Firms with Going Concern Based on the Industry Affiliation and Corporate Governance Characteristics , 2010 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting and Conference, Jul. 2010, San Francisco, CA., U.S.A. |
2009.08 | 龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng)、傅鍾仁(Fu, Chung-Jen), Identifying Potential Delisting Firms from the Board of Directors Perspective in Taiwan Market. , 2009 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting and Conference, Aug. 2009, New York City, N.Y., U.S.A. |
2009.08 | 簡俱揚(Chien, Chu-Yang)、龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng)、盧鎮偉(Lu, Chen-Wei), An Examination of the Relationship between Board Role, Ownership Structure and the Involuntary Delisted Firms , Evidence from Taiwan. - 2009 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting and Conference, Aug. 2009, New York City, N.Y., U.S.A. |
計畫名稱 | 參與人 | 計畫期間 |
國內專家學者出席國際學術會議(2015 Annual Meeting of American Accounting Association) (104-2914-I-468-006-A1) | 龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN) | 2015.08 ~ 2015.08 |
文水足跡成本最小化之非等效平行機台生產排程 -以染整業為例Minimizing Water Footprint Costs for Unrelated Parallel Machines Production Scheduling-A Case Study of Dyeing Industry (MOST 104-2221-E-224-027 -) | 林君維(Chun-Wei Lin)、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN) | 2015.08 ~ 2016.07 |
創新、價值管理會計與租稅實務 (Innovation, Valuation Accounting and Tax Practice Program) (20150713154740) | 龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN) | 2015.08 ~ 2016.07 |
國內專家學者出席國際學術會議(2014 Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association) (103-2914-I-468 -001 -A1) | 龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN) | 2014.08 ~ 2014.08 |
以收益最大化為目標之工廠廢熱回收設備綠色設施規劃Green Facility Planning for Factory Waste Heat Recovery Equipments with Optimal Total Profit Objective (MOST 103-2221-E-468 -031) | 林君維(Chun-Wei Lin)、龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN) | 2014.08 ~ 2015.07 |
國稅局針對稅務申報之選案查核探討An Investigation of Tax Bureau’s Reexamination of Tax Reporting Case (10251028) | 龎玉涓(PARNG YUH JIUAN) | 2014.02 ~ 2015.01 |
中區102年度資源整合分享計畫-分享證照輔導平台,輔導夥伴學校學生考照 2013 Central Taiwan Integrated Resource Sharing - License Platform (20130716173257) | 龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng)、陳榮燊(Rung-Sheng Chen) | 2013.07 ~ 2015.06 |
創新管理會計與租稅實務就業學程 (Innovational Management Accounting and Tax Practice Program) (20130716172746) | 陳瓊燕、龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng) | 2013.07 ~ 2014.06 |
綠色能源產業公司之投資潛力評估-以綜效評鑑模式An Evaluation of Investment Potential on Green Energy Industry (101-asia-18) | 龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng) | 2013.02 ~ 2014.01 |
創新管理會計與租稅實務就業學程 (Innovational Management Accounting and Tax Practice Program) (20130716172847) | 陳瓊燕、龎玉涓(Yuh-Jiuan Parng) | 2012.07 ~ 2013.06 |
獎項名稱 |
100學年度院級優良導師 2011 Excellent Mentor of Management College |
101學年度院級優良導師 2012 Excellent Mentor of Management College |
104學年度管院優良教師 2014 Excellent Teaching Award in Management College |
課程類別 | 課程代碼 | 課程名稱 | 年度 |
大學日間部 | 81U00476B | 會計學(二) | 113 |
大學日間部 | 81U00308A | 審計實務 | 113 |
研究所碩士班 | 97M00087A | 審計實務與公司治理專題 | 113 |
年度 | 名稱 | 全部作者 |
112 | 探討中小企業取得銀行融資條件之要素研究 以 WS 公司為例 | 陳惟真 |
110 | 遺產及贈與稅稅率之變動對全國實徵淨額之影響 | 洪子雲 |
109 | 董事會品質對企業創新之影響探討 | 李嘉凌 |
109 | 製造業之成長策略與產品創新之探討報告-以賺不停股份公司為例 | 賴偉倫 |
109 | 進口嬰幼兒食品跨境行銷之探討-以永續資源有限公司於中華區經營為例 | 賴偉奇 |
108 | 宗教百貨業之服務品質探討 | 楊惠純 |
108 | 提升廟宇服務品質之探討:以台中廣天宮 財神開基祖廟為例 | 郭惠貞 |
107 | 外籍移工的快樂因素探討 | 曾淑? |
107 | 行政工作效能提升的探討與研究 ?以紙管製造業為例 | 林惠貞 |
103 | 營所稅選案關聯之探討 | 蔡志岳 |
101 | 二代健保之探討-從記帳事事務所之觀點 | 陳金珠 |
101 | 中小企業營利事業所得稅申報查核之合理性探討-以西餐業為例 | 陳美麗 |
101 | 綠色能源產業公司之投資潛力分析-以綜效鑑識模式 | 劉彥唯 |